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Project Aspects619 years 22 weeks ago
by Jeff De Luca
19 years 21 weeks ago
by Jeff De Luca
FDD & Integration Tests1919 years 27 weeks ago
by nbplopes
19 years 22 weeks ago
by Anonymous
FDD Tools (What is everyone using?)619 years 26 weeks ago
by akinsgre
19 years 23 weeks ago
by Vernon
Recent Posts and Anonymous Posting019 years 24 weeks ago
by admin
February Release of FDDManager Available019 years 26 weeks ago
by ReeceRobinson
FDD certificate preparation with OCUP certificates?219 years 27 weeks ago
by darya
19 years 27 weeks ago
by darya
New to FDD619 years 32 weeks ago
by koketso
19 years 27 weeks ago
by szego
Perceived Failures of Agile Methodologies (FDD esp)419 years 27 weeks ago
by dominicriordan
19 years 27 weeks ago
by szego
Agile Methodologies and the Post Software Engineering Era4820 years 32 weeks ago
by jonathanli888
19 years 28 weeks ago
by Anonymous
model the domain...1719 years 32 weeks ago
by mangrish
19 years 28 weeks ago
by Anonymous
Deriving and Documenting Nonfunctional Requirements219 years 39 weeks ago
by FDD_Engineer
19 years 29 weeks ago
by csomi
Delving a little deeper into seperation of concerns1319 years 38 weeks ago
by mangrish
19 years 29 weeks ago
by Anonymous
Feature model -> Use case model -> Component319 years 40 weeks ago
by afroza
19 years 31 weeks ago
by Anonymous
Sydney Special Interest Group419 years 34 weeks ago
by Mark Buckley
19 years 33 weeks ago
by hughwalcott
FDD Experiences in the Atlanta, GA Area319 years 34 weeks ago
by mwestbrook
19 years 33 weeks ago
by classmaker
Congrats BChappell019 years 34 weeks ago
by admin
[Article] Delivering Real Business Value using Feature Driven Development by Grant Cause019 years 34 weeks ago
by editor
When should a DM feature list be created?919 years 51 weeks ago
by Douglas English
19 years 38 weeks ago
by Anonymous (not verified)
FDD Management Software119 years 39 weeks ago
by klkonkel
19 years 39 weeks ago
by admin
Feature model -> Use case model -> Component519 years 42 weeks ago
by afroza
19 years 40 weeks ago
by Jeff De Luca
Conversion and Feature Lists319 years 41 weeks ago
by Douglas English
19 years 41 weeks ago
by nbplopes
RSS Feeds019 years 42 weeks ago
by admin
Breakdown of requirements into Major Feature Sets / Feature Sets / Features2520 years 39 weeks ago
by shieldie
19 years 42 weeks ago
by csomi
FDDTracker New Pricing Model819 years 45 weeks ago
by Grant Cause
19 years 43 weeks ago
by admin
Site Update021 years 28 weeks ago
by admin
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