
Jeff De Luca's picture

Object Models

cover of Object ModelsObject Models: Strategies, Patterns, and Applications (2nd Edition)

author: Peter Coad
David North
Mark Mayfield
asin: 0138401179
binding: Paperback
list price: $85.00 USD
amazon price: $77.08 USD

Peter Coad was way ahead of the pack (including the GoF and the amigos) and was by far the best modeler I'd ever seen (he's now retired). This is an old book but still a gem. As well as learning modeling by example, in this book you can also see the roots of the four class categories that later became the four color archetypes.

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The Design Of Everyday Things

cover of The Design Of Everyday ThingsThe Design of Everyday Things

author: Donald Norman
asin: 0385267746
binding: Paperback
list price: $15.95 USD
amazon price: $15.95

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A Practical Guide to Feature-Driven Development

cover of A Practical Guide to Feature-Driven DevelopmentA Practical Guide to Feature-Driven Development (The Coad Series)

author: Stephen R. Palmer
John M. Felsing
asin: 0130676152
binding: Paperback
list price: $39.99 USD
amazon price: $32.92 USD

Written by Steve Palmer - a great Chief Programmer.

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Agile Software Development Ecosystems

cover of Agile Software Development EcosystemsAgile Software Development Ecosystems

author: Jim Highsmith
asin: 0201760436
binding: Paperback
list price: $54.99 USD
amazon price: $46.12 USD

The only book that discusses all the founding Agile methods in one place. Read it and one or two of the methods will resonate with you. They're the ones you'll want to explore further - with one caveat. What resonates for you may not resonate with your company. You have to able to sell it.

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Advanced C++

cover of Advanced C++Advanced C++ Programming Styles and Idioms

author: James O. Coplien
asin: 0201548550
binding: Paperback
list price: $59.99 USD
amazon price: $59.99

Functors. Yeah!

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The Innovator's Dilemma

cover of The Innovator's DilemmaThe Innovator's Dilemma: When New Technologies Cause Great Firms to Fail (Management of Innovation a

author: Clayton M. Christensen
asin: 0875845851
binding: Hardcover
list price: $35.00 USD
amazon price: $23.10 USD

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Woe Is I

cover of Woe Is IWoe Is I: The Grammarphobe's Guide to Better English in Plain English

author: Patricia T. O'Connor
asin: 1573226254
binding: Paperback
list price: $12.00 USD
amazon price: $12.00

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The Elements of Style

cover of The Elements of StyleThe Elements of Style, Third Edition

author: William Strunk Jr.
E. B. White
asin: 0024181900
binding: Hardcover
list price: $13.00 USD
amazon price: $13.00

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The Logic Of Failure

cover of The Logic Of FailureThe Logic of Failure

author: Dietrich Dorner
asin: 0201479486
binding: Paperback
list price: $19.00 USD
amazon price: $12.92 USD

Subtitle: Recognizing and avoiding error in complex situations.

I haven't read many great books for a while and so it was a real joy when I bought this one. An excellent book with many lessons in it and again, not based on speculation but on research, measurement, experimentation and analysis. From one of the studies: "the good participants made more decisions than the bad ones," "both the good and bad participants did not differ in the frequency with which they developed hypotheses," "the good participants differed from the bad ones however, in how often they tested their hypotheses."

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Are Your Lights On?

cover of Are Your Lights On?Are Your Lights On?: How to Figure Out What the Problem Really Is

author: Donald C. Gause; Gerald M. Weinberg
asin: 0932633161
binding: Paperback
list price: $13.95 USD
amazon price: $12.55 USD

A great book on problem solving. People that have seen me speak about how visually expressive and visually explicit models are compared to how ambiguous and vague the written word can be, will recognize the "Mary had a little lamb" example from this book. Anything written by Weinberg is worth reading.

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